For the world health organization (WHO), Obesity in children is one of the key challenges for the health care in the 21st century. Century. According to the latest WHO statistics, they come from the year 2016, worldwide 41 million girls and boys up to the age of five years as overweight. Almost half of them come from Asia, and another quarter from Africa.
A recent study from Spain shows now, what are the possible consequences of are already connected with early Obesity. Researchers to Iñaki Galán, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, reports in the journal “the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology”, that Overweight leads younger children to a more than two-fold increased risk for high blood pressure.
“Some pediatricians believe that the consequences of Overweight and obesity shows only occur during adolescence, but our study is that you are wrong”, is Galán cited in a communication from the European Society of Cardiology, the journal publishes. This attitude hinders the prevention and control of this health problem.
For the study, data of more than 1500 children were at the age of four years evaluated. They all came from the Region of Madrid and took part in the long-term study “Longitudinal Study of Childhood Obesity” (ELOIN). You size and gender were recorded, as well as the life circumstances of the mother and some other factors registered. In addition, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure. The same investigation was carried out two years later.
The Overweight, the blood pressure returns to normal
In the Definition of Obesity, the researchers put on a adapted for children Body Mass Index (BMI) and, in addition, the measurement of waist circumference. It would only lead to one of the two dimensions, so-Galán, one would realize 15 to 20 percent of cases.
The data analysis showed, among other things, that the risk of a child who was four and six years are overweight or obese, two to two and a half times was so great, to suffer from high blood pressure, such as that of a normal-weight child. It was a different picture in the case of children, whose values at the age of four years over the normal weight were, but at the age of six is not Overweight more: your blood pressure values were with those of children comparable in the two age levels of normal weight. This connection was, according to the researchers, regardless of gender or socio-economic Status.
In a comment to the study Eero Haapala of the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, emphasises that hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Haapala recommends three behaviors that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease:
- to move enough,
- to eat a healthy diet and
- to do not smoke.
According to the results of the current study the first two recommendations would also apply even for small children. Also, a sufficient amount of sleep is important. Recently, the WHO had published for the first time recommendations how much you should move in small children.
Galán and colleagues, highlighting, in addition to the Central role of parents in the school. Necessary to three to four hours were per week of sporting activities on the timetable. In addition, the teaching staff should also have activities during the breaks in the view. In addition, movement-oriented offers of the schools after school hours, as desirable as a balanced diet offers for main meals and Snacks.
Martin Hulpke-bet, of a prevention practice for cardiovascular operates in Göttingen disorders in children and adolescents and does not participate in the current study, was involved, considers the results to be very important: they came, what he knew from his everyday life in the doctor’s office earlier that Obesity and hypertension are already in children important factors that affect the health. “The study is time-consuming and done well,” says Hulpke-bet. Only the blood pressure measuring method could lead to “Practice high blood pressure”, so an increased blood pressure because of the young Patient is agitated.
The göttingen-based children’s doctor sees in terms of Obesity and high blood pressure, an urgent need for action in politics: a Lot of food, especially designed for children, offered, contained too much sugar. This is not the most known. “I have to make for each patient, a nutrition consulting”, so Hulpke-bet. Type II Diabetes will almost only caused by malnutrition and significant health of causing costs.