Many patients möwant to üabout a Ernäcurrency conversion will affect your health positively. The ketogenic Diät to help, for example, in the case of cancer. What do you think?
Virtually no carbs, dafür a lot of fat: the ketogenic Ernäcurrency way
What is ketogenic Ernäcurrency?
Under a ketogenic Ernäcurrency is a very low-carbohydrate, dafür but fat-rich food, the conversion of the energy metabolism in the Köbody. In the classic ketogenic Diät are allowed a maximum of four per cent, of carbohydrates, or about 20 grams per day. For comparison: Normally fü is;r adults recommended über carbohydrates about 50 per cent of the täadjusted to total to cover energy needs. Furthermore, it allows you to ketogenic Diät about six to eight percent Eiweiß and nearly 90 percent of fat.
Pasta, bread, rice, potatoes and sugar are taboo. Dafür come from oily fish, meat, sausage, eggs, and low-carbohydrate Gemüse, such as Zucchini, cucumber and broccoli on the plate. Because of the high fruit sugar content, fruit is only available very rarely and in small quantities on the dining plan.
What is the reaction of the Köbody, if he gets no carbs?
From carbohydrates, our metabolism is the fastest energy fü can;r the cells. "Sugar is the fuel fü is;r our Körper", Professor John Changer, Prä says;President of the Federal Association of German Ernämanagement physicians. Particularly the brain is dependent on sugar: About 140 grams of glucose brain cells consume every day.
In the case of the ketogenic Ernäcurrency have reduced the carbs to a Minimum. The führt, usually after a few days, the köthe body’s own glycogen stores in the muscles and in the liver are depleted. In order to continue to energy to the cells to deliver kömay need to change the metabolism: The liver starts verstärkt fats in Ketonköthe body split. This will be forwarded as a source of energy to the brain, muscles, and other organs. Ketosis professionals call this metabolic condition.
How do you recognize that the Köthe body in ketosis?
Whether the Köthe body is in ketosis, lässt in the blood, and üabout the urine measure. In the pharmacy there is ketone test strips, with which the Ketonköthe body concentration in the urine can control. Noticeable is the lack of carbohydrates due to the concentration of power difficulties, Müspeed, halitosis, and constipation. "The one-sided Ernäcurrency brings the Köbody into a starvation metabolism and thus in a Notstand", erklärt Ernäintroduction physician Changer.
"The führt, the Köbody übersäfigure and toxins accumulate." And the smell: Is the Köthe body is in ketosis, the smell of the breath acetone, because the toxins are also excreted. Also the kidneys will be affected by the diet. "Nierenschäthe kidney stones and high cholesterol köcan sein" follow;, the physician warns.
Why recommend some professionals for a change of diet in cancer?
Über of cancer cells weiß that you consume more sugar than healthy cells. "Therefore, it sounds reasonable, if you are trying to avoid sugar in the diet – but as easy as it is nicht", erklärt Ernähonour of the scientist Dr. Tilmann Kühn from the German cancer research center in Heidelberg. "There are no scientific studies on the relation of sugar poor Ernäcurrency and tumor growth belegen", the head of the working group Ernäintroduction epidemiology.
A Diä can;t cancer bekäfight?
No, say the experts. "So far there are no studies, a positive effect of Krebsdiäten belegen", expert Kü says;hn. "Extreme variations, such as ketogenic Ernäcurrency so far examined insufficiently."
Ernämanagement scientist and Diätassistentin Nicole Erickson works at the cancer center of the Universitäclinic MüMunich. She is head of the Oncology Ernämanagement team and has made the experience, that very many patients to sugar-free Ernäcurrency questions. "Most of the patients want to contribute something to their recovery. However, a sugar-free Ernäcurrency is very difficult to implement and to study situation also not the right Weg", the expert says.
In the Ernämanagement consulting is the Diätassistentin to the individual Situation of the patient. "The patients müneed to know, however, that you with your Ernäintroduction tumor growth is not kö affect;can " the Ernäintroduction a scientist. The goal of a good Ernäcurrency wäduring the often kräftezehrenden therapy is that the Patient köfrom a physical well-füthe hlt and the weight remains stable. "Patients with a good Ernäcurrency status have a better Prognose", erklärt also Kühn.
What is a ketogenic Ernä can;introduction the effect of – and what is not?
You will be under the supervision of Ädoctors and Diätassistenten a few diseases applied. "There is a rare, congenital metabolic diseases, in which these extreme Diät is necessary to überleben", erklärt Erickson. Also in the case of childhood epilepsy, the metabolic conversion in the Kö can;body the Häfrequency of the Anfäll reduce.
"The Diät is only displayed, if medicines in children has not anschlagen", Erickson says. In the context of their scientific work, the Ernä has;currency expert with the ketogenic Diät in relation to cancer intensive beschäto come in, and is the conclusion: "In the case of cancer, I strongly advise a low-carb or even ketogenic Ernäcurrency. Many patients think that in order for the Tumor, the basis of which it is deprived, but that’s not true. Tumor cells are very anpassungsfähig. You köcan also Eiweiß and fat ernähren."
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