Sorry, but Ariel Winter is not a fan of dark chocolate. But candy in general? Oh hell yeah. “Is there a time not to eat candy?” she says. Which, fair.
As such, Women’s Health challenged Ariel to try 10 different better-for-you candies and pass judgement upon them. The choices ran the gamut, from crunchy to fruity to chocolaty and chewy—and they were all kinda, sorta healthy, too.
True to the cause, Ariel tried everything, even the black licorice ropes. [shudders] Brave, brave woman. “It is very good for people who like black licorice,” she says diplomatically…while grimacing.
She also wasn’t feeling the “sour” fruit gummies that are loaded with vitamin C. “I don’t think it was sour enough to be, like, a real sour candy, so it kind of fell flat in the middle,” she says.
Her two faves: Little Secrets Gourmet Chocolate Crispy Wafers and Little Secrets Sea Salted Peanuts. “This is good, this is really good,” she said about the wafers. She even went so far as to recommend them to people who “don’t really like dark chocolate.”
In the end, Ariel’s dedication to candy testing was actually damn impressive. Despite a few dropped packages, a brief encounter with quinoa-infused candies, and some smudging (you know, a snack for later), she made it through them all like a champ.
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