Type-2 diabetes: This simple exercise could prevent high blood sugar spikes

Type-2 diabetes is a lifelong condition which affects at least 3.7 million people in the UK.

This is when a person’s blood sugar levels increase, with symptoms that include weight loss and blurred vision.

However, there are a number of ways to reduce type-2 diabetes, including the diet you follow.

Another good way to prevent the condition is by keeping active. Here’s an exercise that could ward off symptoms.

“Aerobic exercise helps your body use insulin better”

American Diabetes Association

According to the American Diabetes Association, tennis is a type of aerobic activity that’s beneficial to diabetic sufferers.

Aerobic exercise improves insulin resistance, as well as lowering blood sugar levels.

For benefits, it is advisable to not go more than two days without exercising and aim for five workout days in a week.

The American Diabetes Association said: “Aerobic exercise helps your body use insulin better.

“It makes your heart and bones strong, relieves stress, improves blood circulation and reduces your risk for heart disease by lowering blood glucose and blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels.

“Some examples of aerobic activities [include] brisk walking, dancing, swimming, playing tennis, [and] hiking.”

Playing tennis could also help to strengthen some of your core muscle groups, added LloydsPharmacy.

All diabetes patients should also consider doing regular strength training, says the American Diabetes Association.

Are you worried about type-2 diabetes?

The NHS advises you to visit your local GP if you have any worries, alternatively look out for the following symptoms:

1. Excessive thirst: Feeling constantly thirsty is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. It’s usually coupled with dryness in the mouth and can be one of the first signs to develop.

2. Slow healing: The disease makes healing more difficult due to high blood glucose levels.

3. Insatiable hunger: A sudden increase in appetite, particularly sweet cravings, can also be a symptom of the condition. This is because of the really high or really low blood sugar levels.

4. Sleep issues: People with diabetes often experience problems getting to sleep and remaining asleep. This can be caused by pain, discomfort, the need to urinate, Restless Leg Syndrome, and sleep apnea.

5. Skin issues: You might experience skin dryness and itchiness or darkening of the skin (acanthosis nigricans). This is due to circulation problems.

  • Type-2 diabetes

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