Healthy diet: 5 foods you are better not on an empty stomach to eat

What is a healthy Breakfast consist of? Now, advice we know that there are many. At least, it should provide sufficient energy and vital substances. But caution: On an empty stomach even otherwise healthy food can suddenly have unpleasant consequences. Here is an Overview of some of the foods that are not recommended on an empty stomach, with sometimes surprising findings.

5 food, on an empty stomach, poorly tolerated

Food #1: Yogurt

The lactic acid bacteria in the yogurt or Kefir should have a positive effect on the intestinal flora and health in General. A Breakfast with yogurt is for a lot of as a particularly healthy Alternative. However, you should not eat it on an empty stomach. The aggressive gastric acid in the empty stomach can kill the sensitive bacteria before they reach the intestine and their miracles. The best way to neutralize a part of the stomach acid with nuts or oatmeal.

Food #2: Bananas

Bananas are rich in valuable vital, but also to the calorie bombs among the varieties of fruit. Especially ripe bananas quickly deliver usable calories that makes the blood sugar levels rapidly rise – especially if you eat this food on an empty stomach. The result is annoying cravings for the Rest of the day. In addition, it is reported that the magnesium content may increase in the blood, which is supposed to also have a unfavorable effect on the body.

Food #3: Citrus Fruits

Even if citrus provide fruit such as lemons, oranges or Grapefruits have plenty of Vitamin C, a good choice for the first meal on an empty stomach, you are still not. The content of acid can irritate the sensitive mucous membranes and cause harm. And who has a sensitive stomach, you risk heartburn, in addition to can burn the mucous membranes in addition.

Food #4: Yeast Biscuits

Pastries such as cinnamon or nut screw, you should eat lunch or dinner, never for Breakfast on an empty stomach. The reason only the high sugar content of foods in this category is not, but because it can irritate the stomach and intestines. The result: bloating and Rumbling in the abdomen. No one wants that.

Food #5: raw vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes

Up to five servings of fruits and vegetables nutritionists per day recommended to stay healthy. Thus, on an empty stomach to start, but seems to be not a good idea. It is reported that raw vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes can overwhelm the digestion. The should heartburn, therefore, to bloating and even stomach pain lead. This food is anything other than a good way to Start the day, but super as a Snack.

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