5 children’s books that tell stories from mythology

Children love their superheroes, but how about introducing them to some epic heroes? Stories from the epics are engaging and usually have a moral lesson too. Here are some great retellings of mythology that kids can read:

Pashu: Animal Tales From Hindu Mythology by Devdutt Pattanaik

Devdutt Pattanaik has a unique way of presenting mythology, giving it a fun twist when it comes writing for children. Pashu highlights the role of serpents, crows, monkeys, birds, cows and many more animals in the life of people. Read stories about vultures that fly into the sun, monkeys that build bridges and other tales from the sacred epics.

The Gita for Children by Roopa Pai

The sacred book of Gita contains lessons to live by. To make it accessible and easy to understand for kids, Roopa Pai came up with a simpler version of the conversation that took place between warrior prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna, during the war of the Mahabharata. It highlights takeaways for kids, along with trivia, and is a delight for readers of any age.

The Children’s Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy by Padraic Colum

If your child enjoys listening to stories about mythology, you must introduce them to tales of Greek gods and goddesses as well. The Iliad and The Odyssey are definitely heavy reading for children, but Colum breaks it down to unleash some dramatic tales. Go on, get your kids hooked to the adventures of Odysseus.

Also Read: 10 books that bring alive stories from Ramayana for kids

The Upside-Down King: Unusual Tales about Rama and Krishna by Sudha Murty

Sudha Murthy understands the pulse of children more than any other writer. Through this book, she introduces fascinating tales from Hindu mythology. Introduce kids to stories of Ravana and his half-brother Kuber, the god of wealth, a two-horned sage, a king whi was stuck in limbo between heaven and hell and lots more.

The Serpent’s Revenge: Unusual Tales from the Mahabharata by Sudha Murty

The award-winning author strings together wondrous tales from the epic to regale children and adults alike. Give your children’s imaginations wings with stories like why was cursed, how a mongoose taught King Yudhisthira an important lesson and much more.

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