21 ways to fall asleep naturally backed by science

This article will discuss 21 methods that people can use to help them fall asleep naturally. It is important to remember that different things will work for different people; so take some time to experiment to find what works.

21 ways to fall asleep naturally

There are many ways to improve sleep including:

1. Creating a consistent sleeping pattern

Going to bed at different times every night is a common habit for many people.

However, an irregular sleeping pattern could interfere with sleep because it interrupts the body’s circadian rhythm.

The circadian rhythm refers to a selection of behavioral, physical, and mental changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. A primary function of the circadian rhythm is to determine whether the body is ready for sleep or not.

This is heavily influenced by a biological clock that releases hormones to induce sleep or wakefulness.

Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body clock predict when to induce sleep.

2. Keeping lights turned off

The circadian rhythm is also influenced by cues, such as light, which help the body judge when it is nighttime. Keeping the room as dark as possible when going to bed might help bring on sleep.

3. Avoiding napping

Naps during the daytime can also disrupt the circadian rhythm, particularly those longer than 2 hours or close to the evening.

One study found that students who napped at least three times per week for longer than 2 hours or napped close to the evening had a lower quality of sleep than their peers.

After a poor night’s sleep, it is tempting to take a long nap, particularly close to the evening. But try to avoid this as it can adversely affect a healthful sleep cycle.

What a person eats, particularly in the evening, can have an impact on sleep.

For example, eating a large meal within 1 hour of going to bed may impair a person’s ability to sleep. Digesting a meal can take at least 2 to 3 hours.

Lying down during this period can cause discomfort or feelings of nausea and slow the digestive process in some people, though this is not the case for everyone.

It is best to allow the body enough time to digest a meal before lying down. The exact time needed will vary from person-to-person.

E-books have become increasingly popular in the past few years.

They have backlit screens, which make them ideal for reading before bed in a darkened room. However, this could affect sleep negatively.

One study gave young adults a printed book and an e-book to read before bed. The researchers found that when using the e-book, the participants took longer to fall asleep.

They were also more alert during the evenings and less alert in the morning compared to when they read the printed book. Such results suggest that e-books could have a negative impact on sleep.

However, the study only involved 12 participants. The researchers also used a study design that meant participants read both types of book. It is difficult to determine whether being exposed to both reading conditions biased the results.

Few reliable studies exist in this area, and more research is still needed to draw any firm conclusions.

18. Taking melatonin

Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone. The body produces it to induce drowsiness and sleep in line with the body clock. People can also take it as a supplement to increase the chances of getting to sleep.

19. Using a comfortable bed

In a recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 9 out of 10 respondents reported that their mattress was essential to their sleep. Investing in a comfortable mattress could have a positive impact on sleep quality.

20. Avoiding noisy environments

Noise can be distracting, prevent the onset of sleep, and lower the quality of a night’s sleep.

A 2016 study found that participants had a significantly worse sleep in a hospital than at home. The authors of the study found that this was primarily due to the increased level of noise in the hospital, compared with a person’s home.

21. Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption

Drinking large amounts of alcohol before bed can have an adverse impact on sleep. Alcohol is problematic because it can induce feelings of restlessness and nausea, which can delay the onset of sleep.


Getting to sleep naturally is the best way to ensure the mind and body gets the rest that it needs.

Trying the methods above can increase the chances of falling asleep without the need to use any sleep aids.

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