Flatulence: that’s Why Poop is so incredibly healthy

When others fart around, this is due to the foul smell extremely unpleasant.

And also, if even happens, is hardly better, but in General just super awkward. But although Poop seems to be an absolute taboo topic, it must be a by no means unpleasant.

Flatulence, as the technical term for a Fart is, are absolutely essential for gut health.

Poop is the most normal thing in the world

Eight to ten Times every human being he farts on average a day – so you need to do not Worry that in the gut something is wrong.

“Small gas and bloating are completely normal and simply a sign that the bowel is working,” explains the gastro-entero-login Dagmar Mainz compared with ‘Focus Online’.

The spokesperson for the professional Association recommends practicing gastroenterologists, “to let nature take its course”, instead of the intestinal winds to suppress – because that can be extremely painful.

A Pups to suppress, can be painful

To understand why Poop is so important for us, you have to know what’s going on in the digestion in the intestine.

Because some of the food components in the stomach and small are intestine, processed in the way intended, it is a incorrectly in the colon, which contains only the waste products.

The bacteria in the dick is pleased to gut it – for you, this is a welcome breeding ground. It is the gases that escape through the respiratory air, and as the Pups again arise.

Certain foods and situations may also trigger an acute gas formation in the gut:

  • excessive consumption of sugar containing foods as well as fruit sugar or sugar replacement substance sorbitol
  • Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas or beans
  • excessive consumption of dairy products, especially when the Enzyme Lactase was reduced progressing from the body
  • Brassica vegetables such as red cabbage, Sauerkraut, Brussels sprouts
  • Garlic and onions
  • Whole-grain bread
  • to hectic, quick eating also leads to the generation of gases in the intestine
  • Stress – should you have excited too much, breathe faster, and a lot more air

Photo gallery: 13 drinks that support a healthy intestinal flora

However, the bloating should go hand-in-hand with pain, could be a food Allergy or intolerance behind it. In the case of evil rich Intestinal wind also.

To let it is then recommended that a doctor take a look and advise.

Home remedies against bloating

It must not be resorted to in the case of strong flatulence immediately to Drugs or drops. Alone foods with bitter substances help the relief, by acting as an antispasmodic.

Above all, these herbs to counteract the flatulence:

  • Fennel
  • Anise
  • Cumin
  • Peppermint

In addition, a hot water bottle on your belly and you will pretty quickly notice an improvement.

Editorial FIT FOR FUN

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