What grains can

In the selection in the supermarket, the decision is simple: whole-grain cereal or oatmeal? Wheat-rye bread or spelt bread? The best cereal there is not, as nutritionists agree. Nevertheless, there are some facts worth knowing, to the ones that can pay attention, who want to eat healthy.

Anyone who wants to lose weight, must pay attention to the Mahlart

There are finely-milled and fine flours. Full-grain flours milled in them is the germ, which contain shell and the endosperm, and thus more healthy ingredients are still. In white flour, these are.

Wheat products, such as the type 405 flour, therefore, have a bad reputation. Particularly bright bun or Baguette is said to have, a negative impact on the weight effect. “The Verteuflung of wheat is modern,” says Harald Seitz from the Federal center for nutrition. This wheat Flour contained the same carbohydrates such as other flour.

However, they are chains of materials relatively poor in content, contain a lot of starch and this consists of sugar. If the thickness is split according to the consumption recorded, increasing the level of insulin in the body, locks the sugar into the cells. After that, the sugar level drops rapidly again. The result: You get again hungry and begins to eat again. This re eating is a behavior that could lead to weight gain, so Seitz.

Scientists have found out that the dietary fiber in whole-grain products only in itself difficult to digest, and can thus be eliminated. You make it difficult, apparently, also the digestibility of proteins and fat. Study participants who had changed their diet completely to whole grain products, could lose about 2.5 pounds per year – without dieting or exercising more.

Look carefully: Is it really whole grain?

Not every dark or grain-containing bread is also whole grain bread. Visually, it can not always be closed clearly to the content of baked goods. Therefore, the German nutrition society (DGE) recommends, look closely. The term “whole grain” is protected by law. Products with this label must contain at least 90 per cent whole-grain flour or meal.

“Sometimes, back to be dyed were dark,” says Monika Bischoff, nutrition researcher at the centre for nutritional medicine and prevention of hospital Barmherzige Brüder, Munich, Germany. Many customers think dark bread is automatically healthier – so the calculus of the manufacturer. Malt extract or sugar beet syrup on the contents list can be a reference to such Tricks. Not even any rolls on the cores on top of that, glue is automatically a whole grain bun.

Who look at the content list, may not be deceived. In the guiding principles of the German food book for bread and biscuits is given, which composition may be referred to as multi-grain. A multi-grain product is a mixture of at least three types of flour. It must, however, be any included cultivar with a minimum of five per cent.

In the case of the designation of three grain are included in the Name of three different varieties of grain. A further distinction, the mixing of the bread. Rye bread, for example, consists of at least 50 percent and a maximum of 90 percent rye flour and at least one other Grain.

The right grain against diseases

The DGE recommends in its ten nutrition rules, as often as possible to use whole-grain products. This can reduce the risk for diseases such as type 2 Diabetes, lipid disorders, colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease. The recommended minimum amount is a daily 30 grams of dietary fiber. That’s the equivalent of about four slices of whole grain bread. Who eats 90 grams of whole grain daily reduces the risk of a coronary heart disease by 19 percent. Also, the cancer risk can be reduced through the consumption of whole grain products instead of white flour products.

The intestinal flora of the human fiber, needs Monika Bischoff says. “Specifically, from the oats, which are very valuable. These are the Beta-glucans, which can reduce cholesterol.” But full-grain is of course much more minerals to be included – just like B-vitamins, iron, zinc, Magnesium, and phytochemicals, says Bischoff.

Gluten is not evil, per se

A common myth is that spelt is healthier than wheat. “Some people believe, not wheat intolerant, say that spelt is better,” says nutritional expert, Stephan Bischoff of the University of Hohenheim. That is not scientifically substantiated but previously.

Particularly in disrepute, the adhesive protein is Gluten, the cereals include wheat, spelt, rye and barley. Interest groups according to each suffer 20. to essen in Germany to a gluten sensitivity – gluten free is the Trend. “There is only one group that needs to avoid Gluten,” says Monika Bischoff. “These are patients with coeliac disease.” Celiac disease is inflamed to be an autoimmune disease in which the small intestinal mucosa in response to Gluten. In addition, there is a so-called wheat Allergy and a gluten intolerance, the cause of which is, however, not yet fully explored.

Who wants to eat, however, without reason, gluten-free, does not necessarily something Good. So about significant problems with digestion may occur because the body with less dietary fiber are available.